Becoming Your Best – Tip #2

  1. Hire an expert

If you wanna be your best, you need to train like that! If you are only training once per week, or even 2-3x per week, it may not be enough. Do we mean rest is not important – absolutely not. Rest is extremely important. But on your rest days you should be doing research.

For example, you had a hard day yesterday. You trained specifically to your goal (boxing, advanced yoga, swimming, etc.) and you are beat up. Sure, take a day of rest, it will help you come back stronger. Instead of working out, do your research.

  • Subscribe to specific magazines and journals and read them.
  • Watch competitions or high level games.
  • Research the best (note, not necessarily the most expensive) equipment and why.
  • Talk! Phone your friends who are in the same pursuit, join a group chat, learn from others.
  • Focus on clean nutrition to help reach your goals.
  • Monitor, log, and assess your progress.
  • Search Google for more info on the best competitors and what they do, upcoming competitions, and more.

It may be your day off of training but if you are seriously focused, it’s not your day off.
