April Workout Plan


Here is an outline of a workout program to follow for the month of April. Each month moving forward we’ll give you a new one so you don’t get stuck in a rut!

It’s good to switch up your workout programs every several weeks. Why?

  1. Alleviates boredom
  2. Challenges your fitness level
  3. Prevents injuries from overuse or imbalance
  4. Creates a well-rounded body

APRIL WORKOUT PROGRAM: Upper Body / Lower Body Split

An upper body/lower body split breaks your workout sessions into two categories: upper body workout days and lower body workout days, plus there is a long cardio day added in. On upper body workout days, you will train chest, shoulders, back, biceps, triceps, and core. On lower body workout days, you will train quads, hamstrings, glutes, abductors/adductors/hip flexors, calves, and core.


  • Day 1 – Upper Body
  • Day 2 – Lower Body
  • Day 3 – Off
  • Day 4 – Upper Body
  • Day 5 – Lower Body
  • Day 6 – Off
  • Day 7 – Long cardio or class (yoga, pilates, boxing, thai chi, walking, swimming, racquetball, et cetera.)


5-7 exercises each day.


3 sets of 12-15 reps for each exercise.

Don’t forget your 10 minute warmup and cooldown/stretching!

For some exercise ideas: https://innerathlete.us/exercises/

Sources: Stylist