How to Set Concrete Goals


  • 1. Hire an expert
  • 2. Research
  • 3. Sports-specific training
  • 4. Cross training
  • 5. Envision success
  • 6. Realistic and kind self-appraisal

Congratulations! You’ve made a decision about something you want to achieve. To get there you need a blueprint or road map of your goals and how you will reach them.

1. Set both short- and long-term goals. This may even include mid-term goals. The more specific you are, the better! For example, if I’m a bodybuilder, I may know I need to build more leg muscle and lose fat to achieve my goal of winning Mr. Olympia:

  • 1. Long-term goal is Mr. Olympia.
  • 2. Mid-term goal might be competing at other preliminary events.
  • 3. Short-term goals might be to bulk up and start killing the leg weights, then shred with a really strict lean protein and veg diet.
    • 3a. Attach specifics to each short-term goal, such as increase leg width to 25″ or lower body fat to 5%.
    • 3b. Create steps on how you’ll reach that goal (ex. increase squat weights to 325 or track calories daily and decrease carb intake to 30%).

2. Set SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound. Apply SMART to each of your goals.

3. Write your goals down and put them in a place where you can see them regularly. This will be your roadmap.

Here is a great dry erase board to track goals.

4. Adjust your goals as needed. This will be especially true for mid-term and short-term goals – as you reach them, you’ll need to adjust or set new ones.

5. Recognize and reward yourself when you meet a goal! You just won Mr. Olympia! Pat yourself on the back and wait for your endorsements to roll in.

(NOTE: While these tips may sound like they are for upper level athletes only, they are not! Regardless of where you are at, you can achieve success using these same tips. For example, if your current long-term goal is to lose 30 pounds or complete your first Masters swim meet next year, you can use these tips for that as well.)


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Sources: fullfunctionrehab

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