Incremental Changes – Tip #2

Incremental Changes – Tip #2

Over the next 7 months, on Fridays we will be posting small incremental changes that you can make to improve your health and fitness. No single thing is very difficult but by making the changes, they will incrementally add up to a big difference. You’ll be surprised at how much healthier and stronger you will feel at the end! Who is in with us?!

How It Works:

  1. Start with the first change and continue to do it every day.
  2. When the next one comes on Friday, add it on but don’t stop doing the first.
  3. Continue on this way until the end (30 changes).

CHANGE #2: Take a multivitamin.

The primary purpose of a multivitamin is to make sure people get their daily allowance of underconsumed nutrients like vitamins A, C, D, E and K, calcium, magnesium, dietary fiber, choline and potassium. There is debate about getting nutrients from your food versus taking a multivitamin because multivitamins provide only a bit of the vast array of healthy nutrients naturally found in food. However, Inner Athlete believes that even people with the very best intentions don’t always eat as healthy as they’d like every day.

Aren’t sure? Here’s a quick test – thinking back on yesterday, did you get your rainbow of veggies and fruits? That means red, orange, yellow, purple/blue, green, and white/brown – all yesterday?

While it is possible that you did, our experience is that most people don’t every day. So for us, it’s simple. The costs are low, and taking a daily multivitamin helps protect against micronutrient deficiencies that can sap your immunity, health and long-term vitality.


If you missed one of the changes, visit for a list of all of them!

Sources: Verywellfit, Forbes Health