One Arm Dumbbell Back Row

One Arm Dumbbell Back Row

Muscles Worked: Rhomboids, Rear delts (posterior delts), Traps (trapezius), Lats (latissimus dorsi), Biceps

Exercise Type: Functional Fitness, Compound

Develops: Strength

Exercise Level: Beginner


Step 1: Place the dumbbell to the left side of the bench. Put your right knee and right hand on the bench. If flattening your hand bothers your wrist, try holding on to the side of the bench instead.

Step 2: Reach down and grab the dumbbell then make sure you are in correct form. Back is straight, neck is in alignment with spine, shoulders are even with each other and chest is pointing to the floor.

Step 3: Exhale and slowly bend the elbow of the arm with the weight, pulling the weight up towards the armpit so that it is closer to the chest. Keep your elbow close to your side and don’t turn the torso or round the back to lift the weight.

Step 4: Slowly return to the starting position. The back remains straight during this exercise.

Repeat for the desired number of reps, then switch to the other side.

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