Create A Schedule


  1. Hire an expert
  2. Research
  3. Sports-specific training
  4. Cross training
  5. Envision success
  6. Realistic and kind self-appraisal
  7. Set concrete goals
  8. Develop a community
  9. Push yourself

Your success lies in setting a schedule and sticking to it. Look at all of the factors, most importantly time limitations, to create your schedule. For instance, you may start work at 8am. This makes it hard to get up early enough to train before work. Your option may be to train in the evenings. Possibly you have the luxury of a long lunch break. Or you could set an alarm and go to bed earlier!

Another tip is to have a workout buddy or group that holds you accountable. Many is the day we’ve grumbled at 4am on Saturday because we’ve had to roll out of bed to meet our running group. At 4am the “thrill” of running 10 miles is not as hot as the “comfort” of lying in bed. From personal experience I can tell you that I’ve not once regretted, after the workout, that I got up at 4am. Not once. Ever. (And you can always crawl back in bed later.)

Having a written down schedule makes it easy to set your expectations and track your progress. Do not skip this crucial step! Make sure you’ve written in training types and that you’ve given yourself recovery time.


1. Write down WHAT you are going to do. Be specific. Don’t just say “weight training” or “long run”. In the examples, notice they are specific about exactly what sets reps and exercises they will do. Write 14 mile long run at 11 min mile pace or 3 ab exercises and list the exercises.

2. Write down WHEN you are going to do it. Not writing down the “when” is a huge hurdle mentally. Be specific. 6pm yoga class M-W-F.

3. Evaluate your success or misses each week as you look at the next week.

Here is a workout book that you can use to write in your workouts:

Create a weekly and monthly schedule and then stick to it. If you miss a day because of an unforeseen emergency, make it up, don’t write it off. Do not let excuses stand in the way of you and success!

For other tips in the BECOMING YOUR BEST series,


(NOTE: While these tips may sound like they are for upper level athletes only, they are not! Regardless of where you are at, you can achieve success using these same tips. For example, if your current long-term goal is to lower your cholesterol or play your first soccer game next year, you can use these tips for that as well.)

Sources:, Dr Workout