February Workout Plan

Here is an outline of a workout program to follow for the month of February. Each month moving forward we’ll give you a new one on the 2nd so you don’t get stuck in a rut!

It’s good to switch up your workout programs every several weeks. Why?

  1. Alleviates boredom
  2. Challenges your fitness level
  3. Prevents injuries from overuse or imbalance
  4. Creates a well-rounded body


A 3-Day split breaks your strength training sessions into three days (push/pull/legs or PPL):

  • Chest/triceps/shoulders (aka a push day because you use these muscles primarily to push),
  • Back/biceps (aka a pull day because you use these muscles primarily to pull),
  • Legs (you both push and pull with your leg muscles so we just call this legs).
  • Ab exercises (or core) are added in on the push and pull days.


Day 1 – Back, biceps, abs

Day 2 – Cardio (ex. walk or bike or swim)

Day 3 – Off

Day 4 – Legs

Day 5 – Chest, shoulders, triceps, abs

Day 6 – Off

Day 7 – Long cardio or class (ex. yoga, pilates, boxing, thai chi)


2-3 exercises for large muscle groups

1-2 exercises for small muscle groups (biceps, triceps, abs, calves, etc.)


3 sets of 12-15 reps for each exercise.

💟 Don’t forget your 10 minute warmup and cooldown stretching!

Sources: Prevention